Credibility Signals

The key to building trust and authority

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Inside today’s episode:

  • How to build trust with credibility signals

  • 10 credibility signals to use in your marketing

  • Nike’s new ad is… triggering


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I remember roughly six years ago hearing about this Mark Roberge guy. 

It seemed like someone mentioned him, his content, or his fund (Stage 2 Capital) every day.

And he wasn’t just talked about. He was revered. 

Not just for being a great guy (he is) but for his achievements.

I still remember uttering the rookie question to a colleague: Who is Mark Roberge, exactly?

She looked at me like I’d just asked what the Olympics are. 

She said, “He was the CRO at Hubspot. He took them public.”

What I heard was, “He’s a sales legend (you ass hat).”

Suddenly it all made sense. This one monumental achievement in his career earned him massive credibility.

And that credibility acted like a “springboard” for his career.

I saw how it opened up more opportunities to grow his reputation, business, and earning potential.

And I wanted that too.

Ever since, I’ve been looking for ways to achieve and amplify what I call “credibility signals.” 

And it’s had a profound effect on my career and my marketing strategy. 

Being perceived as credible has a compounding effect on your success

Credibility creates new opportunities. If you’re successful in those opportunities, your credibility grows. Then you get access to more opportunities. The cycle continues, and you rise exponentially. 

Once you’re deemed an authority in your industry, you’re legitmacy is cemented.

And you get all the spoils that come with it:

  • Speaking invitations for webinars, events, and podcasts – often for $$$

  • Career advancement like promotions, more responsibilities, and more strategic roles

  • Premium pricing: You can charge more because your perceived value is higher 

  • Loyal customers who won’t consider alternatives, even if your offer is more expensive

  • Increased reach: People are more likely to share and cite your content, boosting your visibility

So, what are Credibility Signals exactly?

Credibility Signals build trust and improve your reputation

They’re achievements and actions that show someone’s trustworthy.

They tell our brain, “This is safe.”

Think about how many times you’re being told to “believe me” every day:

  • Headlines in the media 

  • Statements in press releases

  • Bold claims on product pages

  • Health and wellness product claims

  • Politicians during speeches and debates

  • Influencers promoting services and products 

We’re constantly being forced to figure out what’s real and what’s not. 

As a result, we’re more skeptical than ever. 

Without credibility signals, we see risk instead of opportunity.

To combat this as marketers, we must establish and amplify our credibility as much and quickly as possible. 

Credibility Signals are powerful because they tap into behavioral psychology

I didn’t invent this concept. 

But I “saw” it when I read Influence by Robert Cialdini, aka “The Godfather of Persuasion.”

Credibility Signals tap into three of his 8 Laws of Persuasion, which makes it a trifecta for us marketers:

  • Scarcity: People value what is in limited supply 

  • Social Proof: People follow the actions of others

  • Authority: People trust and follow credible experts

When you layer these into your marketing, your messaging, offers, and products glow with legitimacy. 

And that makes them more appealing — and you more successful.

10 Credibility Signals you can use in your career and marketing

These signals establish your authority and trustworthiness in your field, making others more likely to listen to, follow, speak highly of you, and buy from you.

These signals help establish your authority and trustworthiness in your field, making others more likely to listen to, follow, and do business with you.

Credibility Signal 


Major accomplishments

IPO, acquisition, major financial milestones

Published work

Books, courses, shows, podcasts, guides, blogs, social content, etc

Proven track record

Years of experience leading or completing high-impact projects that deliver significant results


Followers, subscribers, community members, etc

Professional titles

CEO, Founder, CXO, VP, Head of


Client testimonials, analyst reviews
(Forrester and Gartner), product reviews (G2)


Inc 500, Deloitte Technology Fast 500, etc

Media coverage

Featured or interviewed in major media outlets, such as newspapers, magazines, or TV.


College and advanced degrees

Public speaking

Giving keynote speeches and presentations or participating in high-profile panels and conference

But notice they aren’t all equal in value.

Some credibility signals are worth a lot more than others. The harder something is to do, the more we value it.

For example: Writing a book is much harder than writing LinkedIn posts.

And few people have advanced degrees, but even few people ever take a company public.

You get the idea.

And the value and volume of your achievements determine the strength of your reputation and perceived authority. 

How to apply this to your career and marketing

Let’s wrap up and make this actionable for you. 

  1. Identify which credibility signals you have right now

  2. Decide where you can amplify them across your digital presence: LinkedIn profile, website, content, etc

  3. Pick a new achievement to build your list of credibility signals

Remember: Credibility leads to trust. Trust leads to a stronger brand, more opportunities, and more sales.

Use credibility signals correctly, and you’ll grow your career and become a more persuasive marketer.

Holler at you later,

PS: It took me 5.5 hours to outline, write, and revise this newsletter. If you like today’s post, you can help me grow by forwarding it to one person with a quick “You’ll love this newsletter. Totally worth signing up.”


Because they ran with polarizing POV:

Winning isn’t for everyone.

Tap here to see the commercial, my quick breakdown on their POV, and some interesting responses in the comments.

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