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  • How this “lazy” LinkedIn post got 193k+ views

How this “lazy” LinkedIn post got 193k+ views

Plus 5 writing techniques I used that works on every persona

Yo! Welcome to the next episode of The Reeder where you get content tips and strategies for growing your career, brand, and business.

If you’re new, you can subscribe here and join the crew.

I’ll be honest. I was little lazy with my LinkedIn content this week.

But it was intentional. And it led to an incredibly successful post:

  • 193k+ impressions

  • 1,300+ likes
    800+ new followers 

  • 100+ newsletter subscribers

Let me be clear: this is not an everyday occurrence. 

Even though I have 81k+ followers, that’s an incredibly successful post. At least from an engagement and impressions standpoint. 

Ever since the algorithm changed last summer, I consistently get less reach than “the good old days.”

(I’m sharing that tid bit because I’ve talked to many marketers, founders and creators lately who are discouraged by their LinkedIn results. They assume because I have a lot of followers that reach “just happens” for me. It doesn’t.)

And honestly, I don’t try to go viral anymore.

And I’m not going to convince you to try to go viral either. 

Yes, virality accelerates growth. And there’s a dopamine rush that comes with it. But in my experience most people creating on LinkedIn are more interested in

  • Publishing content that aligns with their beliefs

  • Getting more comfortable sharing their thoughts online

  • Using content to grow their business (not just become or appear popular)

So that’s what the advice in today’s episode is all about. Here’s what’s in store: 

  • How I wrote my “hit” post in 8 minutes using a simple but wildly underused technique that most consider “lazy”

  • 5 writing techniques for producing content that resonates with any persona, buyer, or human on the planet (including a full breakdown fo the post)

  • The real way to gauge the success of your LinkedIn content strategy — plus the “hidden” value this post made on my business

Ready? Let’s ride 🌊

I wrote my post in 8 minutes using this “lazy” technique

I’ve shared this strategy before. I simply:

  1. Download all my LinkedIn posts (here’s how)

  2. Spot top performers

  3. Publish them again exactly as is OR quickly revise and publish

There’s nothing wrong with recycling or refreshing your top performing content. In fact, this is one of the smartest ways to fuel your content strategy and avoid creative burnout. 

Hell, musicians remix their hit songs. So why can’t we?

I knew it worked because the original post went viral ~4 months ago and the topic is still relevant (maybe even more now). I copied it, then I spent a whole 8 minutes updating it.

So yea, that’s the “lazy” part. 

(Or maybe the “work smarter” part.)

5 writing techniques for creating content that resonates with ANY reader  

Maybe you don’t have a “hit” to recycle. That’s ok. 

This section breaks down WHY my post worked, so you can use it to create your own content. 

Keep in mind:

These tips will work across any persona, buyer, or human on the planet. Not just LinkedIn. That’s because they’re not really tips or “hacks” — they’re techniques. Techniques that tap into the psychological triggers we all operate on and cause us to stop, think, and act.

OK, here’s a quick break down of the post:

More context:

  1. The hook incites curiosity and credibility by sharing BIG results.

    • Numbers and data grab attention and instill immediate credibility. 

    • And it’s about a CEO – and everyone wants to know what the big execs are doing (especially since so few on active on LinkedIn right now)

  1. I gave away immense value, for free, by sharing HOW we did it 

    • People LOVE how-to content. There’s a reason the most popular searches on YouTube start with those two magic words “how to”.

  2. I revealed real-life details about our decision-making

    • This gave the reader additional detail (ie, value)

    • I take you on a journey with me instead of just teaching at you

  1. I made a promise then intentionally OVER delivered

    • Everyone likes free. Add an unexpected bonus and you create fans, not just followers.

    • I doubled down with even more credibility signals (followers, web traffic and inbound metrics.)

  1. The ending instills urgency 

    1. I’m passively invite the reader to follow suit by conveying the potential benefits. It’s all about the Reader. 

    2. I shared my POV on how the game is changing so readers will change how they think and act — i.e. they’ll start creating on LinkedIn.

You can (and should) use all of these techniques across your marketing, sales and business where ever possible. It’s literally the difference between adding to “the noise” or piercing through it.

The REAL impact went beyond LinkedIn

This is where it gets really cool.

A couple hours after publishing, I got these back-to-back emails from a Founder named Kelly:

  1. Receipt from Stripe: Kelly bought my course

  2. Inbound lead: Kelly wants to explore working with me 

This is the real — and often “hidden” — power of creating content on LinkedIn. 

It’s not just about likes and followers. At least not to me. This one post helped thousands of people for free, and fueled my business, reputation, and income. 

Kelly and I chatted yesterday. We had a great conversation, I learned a lot, and now she has a 5-figure proposal she’s considering.

Not bad for a lazy LinkedIn post.

Holler at you next Saturday,

PS: This post took me ~3 hours to write and design. You can help me grow my newsletter by forwarding it to one person with a quick “You’ll love this. Totally worth subscribing.”

“Shocking Plagiarism & Developing Unique Style”
with Eddie Shleyner

I flew to Chicago for episode 5 of Reed Between The Lines to chat with Eddie Shleyner and DAMN did he deliver.

He’s a prolific writer, creator, and entrepreneur with a massive audience of nearly 200k. He was kind enough to share his stories and secrets to building his brand and business.

You’ll love this episode if:

  • You want to use simple (but powerful) growth loops to accelerate your audience growth rates (42:30)

  • You want to hear the shocking story of how Eddie confronted a LinkedInn “writer” with 130K followers who stole Eddie’s work word-for-word — and then lied about it… (2:12)

  • You want to avoid creative burnout, stay inspired, and build a lasting and fulfilling career (36:11 )

👉🏻 Watch on YouTube 

Three ways to grow your business, brand and content

  1. Sponsor The Reeder. Promote your business to my audience of 92,000+ (newsletter, LinkedIn podcast), have me speak at your event, or create branded content, let’s chat. Hit reply to talk details.

  2. Content That Converts Ebook: Start creating content that pierces through the noise, generates a massive following, and motivates prospects to buy from you right now.

  3. Content Strategy for LinkedIn: This ~1 hour video course shows you how to build your personal brand, create highly engaging content, and accelerate your career.

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🛠️ Tools I use, love, and highly recommend

If you’re looking for ways to better manage and grow your business, here’s a look at my tech stack. (Note: these are affiliate links but I would recommend without the commission)

  1. Launch or grow your newsletter with beehiiv
    I use Beehiiv to write and grow my newsletter for two reasons: it’s easy to use and the growth features are incredible.

  2. Use ClickUp for your project management 
    I use ClickUp as my project management system to manage my entire business.

  3. Hit inbox zero consistently with SuperHuman
    I’ve been a customer for 2+ years and recommend it to everyone who’s looking to increase productivity and enjoy email again. Plus your first month is free.

  4. Build or level-up your website with Webflow
    I recently started using them for web hosting, and now I’m moving all WordPress sites here because I like the flexibility.