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  • My "small big" Linkedin growth play

My "small big" Linkedin growth play

Yo! Welcome to the next episode of The Content Strategy Reeder where over 9,900 marketers, sellers, and creators get better at content strategy and creation in less than 5 minutes.

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I’m obsessed with growth.

More specifically, I’m infatuated with simple, light lifts that deliver an oversized return. This is something I learned when I met Robert Cialdini, The Godfather of Persuasion and author of the New York Times Bestseller, Influence. He calls them “small bigs.” And when you get ‘em right, they feel like those little speed booster things in Mario Kart that give you an instant spike just because you maneuvered just the right way.

Anyways, recently I was thinking about how I could give my LinkedIn a boost. As I tend to do.

I’ve had a couple thoughts casually jogging through my mind recently:

  1. Reach is way down across the board as LinkedIn transforms itself from the “professional networking platform” to a proper social media platform. I’ve confirmed this with numerous people with audiences of all sizes. So now the usual amount of effort is giving me lower returns.

  1. I have hundreds of published LinkedIn poststhat are currently collecting dust and going unseen because they're buried in my previous activity history.

I know that more eyeballs on my content directly equates to positive outcomes, from trust with my audience to more tangible things, like sponsorships and ebook sales.

You might see where this is heading.

Now the obvious and easy answer would be to simply post more often. But that’s more work than my “small big” strategy will allow because then I have to spend time thinking, writing, and editing.

So I figured out a way to 2x my output and 3x my engagement without investing hours into net new content creation.

And honestly, it’s either the laziest or smartest thing I’ve done all year.

And the results were crazy:

Here’s how I grew content impressions +300% in one week

First, I downloaded all my previous LinkedIn posts. (Here’s how.)

The archive request takes ~24 hours, so the next day I poured some coffee and got started. I combed through my LinkedIn posts and spotted the ones with the highest engagement, plus a few I just really liked and wanted to try again.

I copy/pasted them into Buffer with a post time of 11:25pm. Yes, PM.

This lets me expand my audience into my biggest geos outside the States: India (namaste and kem cho!), UK, and Australia.

(If curious, I did update the copy on a couple posts, but I cannot overstate how much blatant self-plagiarism I committed. And I don’t feel guilty because most of my audience either never saw the original post, doesn’t remember, or could benefit from hearing it again months later.)

So now I’m still posting new content 2-3/week at the usual 8:30am PST then four more recycled posts at night.

And when I run out of “reruns” then I’ll take the top performing posts again and just give them a quick revision so it’s not “old” it’s refurbished. Same meaning and advice just reworded.

I half-joke about my laziness, but there’s a bigger lesson behind this play: recycling your best-performing content isn’t lazy — it’s savvy and efficient.

I’ve done this with this email marketing too — it’s called a “control”.

Of course, you can’t do it too often. You risk people tuning out if they continually find themselves reading content that they’ve consumed before — not mention going stale by preventing yourself from the joy of thinking and creating something new.

Another obvious disclaimer is this exact play won’t do much for you if you’ve never posted on LinkedIn. But if you have, even just a few dozen times, you have a base you can use to recycle and immediately boost your output.

So there you have it. Your LinkedIn growth play in 792 words.

WDYT, are you going to give it a try?


3 Ways The Reeder can help grow your business

  1. “Content That Converts” Digital Playbook: Start creating content that pierces through the noise, generates a massive following, and motivates prospects to buy from you right now.

  2. Sponsor this newsletter. Promote your business to 9,000+ highly engaged sales and marketing pros.Next opening is in November. Hit reply for rates.

  3. Sponsored LinkedIn post. Tap into my audience of 74,000+ LinkedIn followers and grow your awareness and pipeline. There’s one slot left for December. Hit reply for rates.

🌊 Reeders makin’ waves 🌊

Introducing a new section dedicated to Reeders (that’s you!) putting up numbers and winningggg.

I gotta’ give my man, Tyler Pleiss for turning his ABM newsletter, The Pleiss is Right, into an official company and LLC! Shows he’s all in and has a plan to monetize. I love it. Congrats, Tyler 🤙🏻

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