My two-part framework for growth

A sneak peek into my new digital playbook, "Content That Converts"

Yo! Welcome to the next episode of The Content Strategy Reeder where over 9,200 marketers, sellers, and creators get better at content strategy and creation in 5 minutes or less.

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The Content Strategy Reeder is sponsored by Journey

You know that stories sell — but are you telling compelling stories in every single sales call? Instead of pitch slapping or using boring slides that make your buyer’s eye glaze over… try a new, different approach.

Journey helps you tell stories that resonate using responsive slides, video recording, interactive blocks and embeds from your favorite tools. You can even add an AI co-pilot that's trained on your content so customers can have a conversation while reading.

I decided to write my first digital book, Content That Converts, for ONE reason.

The ability to turn ideas into growth has never been more critical than right now.

Look around.

The people and companies who are using the internet to grow their reputation, brand, audience, income, pipeline, revenue (and basically every other valuable business metric you care about) all know how to convert attention into growth.

But that doesn’t mean cranking out content for the sake of volume or falling victim to the “do more with less!” B.S.


It means being intentional with your strategy and precise with your execution.

This is what I built my career on. And when I thought about the most valuable thing I could publish to help you on your content journey and career, this is it, by far. It wasn’t even close.

Learn to convert attention into growth and you’re unstoppable.

But too many people are pressured into using gimmicks or “hacks” to hit unrealistic goals, or tricked into falling the newest fads by “experts” on their LinkedIn feed.

I’ve published a lot of work in my career, but I’ve never been so confident in something I’ve created that has the potential to transform your skills, career, and earning potential. That’s because inside the book are the same tactics I used to

- Create Gong’s content strategy and brand
- Scale The Reeder to a 6-figure side hustle
- Lead content and thought leadership at Clari
- Book speaking opps on podcasts and events
- Drastically boost my earning potential
- Build my combined audience to over 84k

Anyways. I’m launching this thing officially on August 30th. I’m friggin’ stoked.

So for today’s episode, I’m sharing another (and final) sneak peek into Content That Converts. If you like it, you can join the waitlist here to get first hand access plus a steep discount.

Below is the intro to Part One. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing (and designing) it.

If you enjoyed this, you’ll get tons of takeaways from the full version coming in at a whopping 27k words (split across 30 “mini chapters" so it’s easy to read, digest, and put into action).

To be first in line when it drops on August 30th, plus enjoy a steep discount, you can join the waitlist here.

And if it’s not your flavor, all good. I’ll catch you here, same time, same place.

Holler at you next Saturday,

Three ways I can help you scale your content and business

  1. Sponsor this newsletter. Promote your business to 9,000+ highly engaged sales and marketing pros. Next opening is in October. Hit reply for rates.

  2. Sponsored LinkedIn post. Tap into my audience of 74,000+ LinkedIn followers and grow your awareness and pipeline. There’s one slot left for October. Hit reply for rates.

  3. Content Strategy for LinkedIn: This ~1 hour video course shows you how to build a personal brand, create highly engaging content, and accelerate your career. Use code “CSR” at check out for the steepest discount available.