A thought about ChatGPT

Yo! Welcome to the next episode of The Content Strategy Reeder.

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If you've been following me for more than .5 seconds you know that I'm all in on LinkedIn. It's phenomenal for building pipeline, BUT most sellers (accidentally) use outdated tactics that actually prevent you from booking meetings.

That's why Sell Better partnered with Jed Mahrle to publish 8 ways to leverage LinkedIn Sales Navigator to book more meetings. These are the exact tactics he used to do 200%+ of his quota, and now it's yours, for free.

Two days ago I recorded an interview for Refine Labs’ podcast, Stacking Growth.

I’ll share the episode when it’s ready, but until then, I want to share a highlight from my conversation with Carl and Cassidy. With everyone buzzing around the GPT hype hive, this is a timely perspective that most people rush by without considering.

It sparked when Carl asked me how I consistently balance high quality output with high volume because those two outputs are typically at odds.

Here’s the end of my response:

I’ve been asked by colleagues why I don’t use ChatGPT to create more content. A lot of times it gets presented as the solution for SEO specifically because you could just produce tons of content quickly.

But here's the thing: if your relying on ChatGPT to pump out SEO content, you’re basically investing in bad first impressions at scale._____

The whole point of SEO is to capture search (traffic) and convert it.

But if people are landing on pages filled with flat, mediocre content, you’re delivering a crappy experience, which is a losing strategy if you want to build credibility and convert into anything meaningful.

Put another way, I hesitate to believe filling a website with junk is going to help grow my business. Poor content in, poor results out.

More to consider:

-It’s impossible to create new ideas (ie thought leadership) only using an AI tool that is literally summarizing existing ideas

-ChatGPT's database is two years stale, so it doesn't have info past 2021.

-There are numerous example of it being straight up wrong.

By now I probably sounds like a GPT hater. But really I'm just calling it what it is. I know there are some cool use cases to save time for writers, and it's a solid "answer" tool but nowhere near ready to replace humans. Doing so prematurely isn't going to catapult you to leadership status.

Here’s the takeaway: resist the temptation to take the volume route and invest in high quality content instead.

I know we live in a culture of more, more, more — especially if you're in SaaS or start up land. But your content strategy is not weighted by how much volume you produce — it's about how much you're impacting business growth.

Holler at you next Saturday,Devin

Digital resources for creating memorable content

  1. Check out my video course Content Strategy for LinkedIn if you want to elevate your LinkedIn personal brand. Be sure to use discount code “CSR” for 22% off.

  2. Follow me on Linkedin for edu-taining content on sales and marketing tactics, plus updates on my content journey.