The Reeder stocking stuffers

Yo, Yo, Yo!

(Yes I’ve been waiting all year to type that).

Welcome to the next episode of The Reeder, where you get expert content strategy advice for growing your career and business every Saturday.

If you’re new, you can subscribe here and join the crew.

PS: This is the last newsletter of 2023. I’m taking the next few days off with the fam in San Diego to unwind, moderately overeat, and rest before planning what’s already looking like a phenomenal 2024. Expect The Reeder back in your inbox on January 6th.

One of my all-time favorite Christmas memories growing up was opening my stocking stuffers.

My mom — I mean, Santa — was always thoughtful and consistent in packing my and my siblings’ personalized stockings full of fun and unexpected gifts. Opened before the “real” presents which always came after breakfast (imagine the patience that took at 7 years old), I never saw this activity as an appetizer that held me over til the real thing. No way. This activity brought me just as much joy as any other wrapped gifts under the tree.

There’s something exciting about these small packages that brought me oversized joy. Things like: my favorite candy but the king size version (which we were not typically allowed to have), an unexpected Hot Wheels car (the same one from two months ago that I begged my mom for in the toy aisle but didn’t get), funny jokes gifts (like silly string with a handwritten tag with “You can spray your brother, but not in his eyes!).

I’m getting smily just thinking about and typing these memories. So I thought maybe you’d enjoy a similar version in today’s newsletter. Instead of one big “gift” I’m sharing many of my live offers: courses, books, templates, etc — each are designed to bring you (and your content game) joy.

Many are free, and for the couple that have a price tag, I’ve included a discount code because like I said, I’m getting all cheery and smily over here.

I hope you enjoy.

Content Deliverables Template

This year I partnered with Notion to contribute to their refreshed templates library.

This came after a strategy session with Drew where we discussed my approach to marketing planning. Here’s a blurb from Drew’s write up:

Devin’s deliverables tracker creates a through line from a project to its purpose — how it’ll get done, it’s impact, and what goal it’s helping the company accomplish. It doesn’t just help his team organize and track work. It makes that work more strategic and more purposeful. Everything connects to the bigger picture, giving Devin, his team, and his partners more visibility into how they’re driving impact.

If that sounds intriguing, you can start using the template here.

PS: Click here and you’ll also get my Social Media Post Template and Audience Insights Questions — both inside of Notion.

LinkedIn Growth Guide

Discover how to write highly engaging LinkedIn posts — quicker and easier than you ever thought possible — using the exact templates that got me to 77k+ followers.

This convenient, 12-page playbook —packed with advice, techniques, and 5 fill-in-the-blanks templates for viral posts — will make you a better, faster, and more successful LinkedIn creator.

Content That Converts

Start creating content that pierces through the noise, generates a massive following, and motivates prospects to buy from you right now.

This expansive 154-page digital playbook — packed with tips, techniques, and examples — reveals the exact strategies and step-by-step processes for converting attention into audience growth and sales.

You can purchase your copy here.

PS: Use code “HOLIDAYS” at check out for 20% discount (valid through 11:59pm PST 12/31)

5 Sales Plays For Grabbing Attention

Want to stand out and sell more?

Get 5 uncommon sales plays for piercing through the noise so you can create new opps, move buyers forward, and close more deals.

This 18-minute video course is crammed with actionable advice for sellers who want NEW ways to grab attention from busy buyers and motivate them to act now.

Content Strategy for LinkedIn

It’s time to build a personal brand that you're proud to show off — and that puts more money in your pocket.

Stop the spiral of self doubt and low-performing content. Start creating highly-engaging posts and build a loyal audience on LinkedIn.

This 1-hour self-guided video course — overflowing with tips, ideas, and examples — will teach you how to how create compelling LinkedIn content.

🎁 That’s a wrap!

Holler at you in two weeks,

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