Sneak peek at my first book

Yo! Welcome to the next episode of The Content Strategy Reeder where over 9,100 marketers, sellers, and creators get better at content strategy and creation in 5 minutes or less.

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Today’s a BIG day, so let’s hop straight to it…

A lot of people are playing in the attention economy, but not enough people are winning.

And it’s especially hard if you’re just getting started. Those were the toughest days for me.

-Spending over an hour writing a LinkedIn post only to get 6 likes

-Writing and rewriting hundreds of emails that nobody opened or replied to

-Spiraling into self-doubt because I was struggling way more than succeeding

I didn’t have a playbook or mentor to “show me the way.” I was self-taught and had to just experiment over and over and over until I finally found my way.

And today, with ChatGPT, email spamageddon, and how fast the landscape changes, I totally understand why most marketers and creators feel overwhelmed and like they’re falling behind.

It took a long time for it to “click” for me and see real results with my content. But when it did, everything changed.

And the results have been beyond anything I could imagine. I catapulted my career and doubled my income all because I learned three core skills:

  • How to earn (and keep) attention online

  • How to turn ideas into highly engaging content

  • How to use content to build a loyal audience

It’s been a wild ride so far and I’ve still got a ways to go. I’m loving every minute of it.

Now my mission is to help as many people as possible use content to grow their careers and bank accounts.

So for the past few months I’ve been documenting everything I know about content creation — timeless principles, LinkedIn growth plays, and proven email tactics — into my first full length digital playbook called…

Content That Converts

It’s designed for you to read one “mini chapter” every day for 30 days. At the end (or much sooner) you’ll be a stronger writer, have a larger audience, and drive inbound clients.

And you can join the waitlist now to get access when it’s available in August.

These are the same tactics I used to

- Create Gong’s content strategy and brand
- Scale The Reeder to a 6-figure side hustle
- Lead content and thought leadership at Clari
- Book speaking opps on podcasts and events
- Drastically boost my earning potential
- Build my combined audience to over 80k

Now they’re yours.

Typically the only way to get this level of detail would be to hire me full time or as an advisor.

That’s why I say this playbook is easily worth thousands. Probably more.

But I’m pricing it MUCH less than that because my goal is to HELP people. 

Yeah I’ll make a few bucks but that’s not my M.O.

I’m counting my success with how many messages and DMs I get from this book saying it helped them.

That’s why I’m pricing this playbook at a (very) modest $149.

But folks on the waitlist will get a STEEP discount.

Plus they’ll be the first to get it, giving them a head start against everyone else.

If you’ve been telling yourself you want to finally start creating content — or drastically improve your results if you’ve already committed — I can say with complete conviction that this will help you.

Last thing:

If you’re on the fence, or simply prefer to “try it before you buy it”, here are pages 59 and 60 as a sneak peek:

The next chapter is, 25 “mystery” subject lines you can steal to increase your open rate.

If you enjoyed this small taste, you can join the wait list here.

Holler at you next Saturday,

Three more ways I can help you scale your content and business

  1. Sponsor this newsletter. Promote your business to 9,000+ highly engaged sales and marketing pros. Next opening is in October. Hit reply for rates.

  2. Sponsored LinkedIn post. Tap into my audience of 73,000+ LinkedIn followers and grow your awareness and pipeline. There’s one slot left for September. Hit reply for rates.

  3. Content Strategy for LinkedIn: This ~1 hour video course shows you how to build a personal brand, create highly engaging content, and accelerate your career. Use code “CSR” at check out for the steepest discount available.