Reed Between The Lines is LIVE!

Plus you can win exclusive Reeder merch (scroll to bottom)

Yo! Let’s get right to it:

You can watch the show now on YouTube, or listen on Apple and Spotify.

(“And all major podcast platforms!” reminds Katie, my podcast manager.)

Chris Orlob droppin’ gems and talking way too much with his hands

Reed Between The Lines is about building a bigger and more inspired career as a marketer, creator, and entrepreneur.

That’s my mission. And what I’ll deliver every time you press Play.

For the premier, I’m in San Francisco with Chris Orlob, CEO at

And I gotta say. When it comes to strategies and tactics for creating content that converts, Chris delivers like DoorDash. 

Click play and you’ll get:

  1. A powerful (but wildly underused) marketing strategy that Chris and I use for building a memorable brand, growing an eager audience, and dominating our niche. [9:40]

  2. Multiple writing techniques that pierce through the noise while increasing your conversion rates. [21:40]

  1. Plus a tactical email marketing play, broken down step-by-step, that when used correctly turns readers into raving fans, positions you as an authority in your space, and increases sales. [51:50]

But wait, there’s more…

You can be part of the launch by helping me share the news in three ways (#3 is the best IMO):

  1. Like, comment, and subscribe on Youtube

  2. Subscribe and leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcast

  3. Share on LinkedIn. Details below ↓↓↓

BONUS: Win the first-ever Reeder merch 

You know I had to go big today. So I went and launched the first-ever Reeder merch too.  

And I’m giving away Reeder T-shirts to the first 99 people who share the show on LinkedIn:

Here’s how to win:

  1. Post on LinkedIn about the show

  2. Tag me (@Devin Reed)

  3. Include CTA “Watch or listen to Reed Between The Lines”

That’s it!

I’ll reach out to all the winners this week with a link for a free T-shirt. 

(You can include the show trailer or cover art in your post if you’d like. Download here.)

Thank you for being part of the launch!

PS: The hoody, stickers, and t-shirt pictured above are unisex and available for purchase here

I hope you enjoy the show. I’m eager to hear your feedback.

Let’s make waves 🌊