Meet my content crush

I went from 1st-time reader to raving fan in one tweet

Yo! Welcome to the next episode of The Reeder.

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Meet my content crush, Erica Schneider.

I first found her on Twitter. I was passively scrolling. She was hilariously bashing bro culture with style and grace. I couldn’t get enough.

And that's one of her superpowers:

She doesn't just have followers, she has raving fans 🙌🏻

She turned me from reader to fan in seconds.


She knows how to pick - and defeat - marketing villains with her content in a way that attracts waves of fans and clients.

(Plus she's an insanely skilled and funny writer.)

She’s used her skills and dedication to build a respectable brand, grow her business, and attract an impressive online following (80k+ total).

So inviting her to Reed Between The Lines was a no-brainer.

The newest episode of Reed Between the Lines is Live! “Marketing Villains & Rejecting Hustle Culture”

We talk about:

1. Bro culture and how rejecting it built her a huge brand and audience
2. How to pick a marketing villain (and warnings for getting it wrong)
3. How becoming parents changed our relationship with money
4. Erica’s hyper-viral tweet that helped shape her new business
5. Husting with a purpose as a working mom/dad

I love Erica. And if you don't already, soon you will too.

→ Listen and subscribe on Apple

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Holler at you on Saturday,