Your CEO doesn't wanna hear this

But it's helped me build a fulfilling career

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Episode 9 of Reed Between the Lines
with Mark Huber is live 🏄🏻‍♂️

Mark doing his best to look comfortable in an oddly oversized chair

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When you’re in sales or marketing and you have a number — registration goals, pipeline goals, revenue goals, whatever it is…

It’s easy for your self-worth to be aligned with how well or poorly you perform against that metric.

I started my career in sales.

So I’ve had the highest of highest and the lowest of lows when I measured my value based on job performance.

When I blew out numbers, I’m king of the world.

I’m happy and laughing.

I’m the best version of me.

I’m the nicest person to be around.

But miss that number, and it’s the exact opposite...

I’m miserable.

I’m miserable to be around.

I spiral into feeling shitty, behind, and an overall looming sense of failing.

But here’s the truth…

And your CEO might not like hearing this…

You’re going to miss your goals.

Your event might flop.

Your campaign won’t work like you hoped.

Your presentation just won’t land even though you prepared for weeks.

And that’s normal and completely OK.

Your boss isn’t going to be happy when it does. But that doesn’t make it any less inevitable.

I wish I knew this much earlier in my career.

Sometimes I swing and whiff.

Not often. But it happens.

What matters most is how I respond.

I don’t get upset anymore. I get curious.

What specifically went wrong

WHY didn’t it work out how I hoped?

What am I going to do differently next time?

Instead of focusing on how I feel, I focus on what happened.

This objective-as-possible conversation is how I go from pain to progress.

Because now I have a plan. I know how I’m going to get better.

And that’s empowering.

If you struggle with self doubt, getting too “wrapped up in your work” or if your career performance sometimes makes you feel less-than…

Give yourself the space and grace you deserve.

The world’s tough enough. Don’t add to it by beating yourself up or adding more pressure.

Own your misses. Celebrate your wins. Get a little better every day. And have fun doing it.

It took me years and A LOT of self-work to think this way.

And I still work on it every day. It takes practice.

It’s hard, but I’ve also never been happier.

This is a small part of my recent conversation with Mark Huber

He’s probably the most fulfilled and successful thirty-something-year old I know.

That’s partly because he’s intentional with his decisions across his personal life and career. (The other part is probably because he’s really friggin’ smart and good at his job.)

If you want to hear the full conversation about self-worth, legacies, and building an inspired career…

You can watch on Youtube, or listen on Apple or Spotify.

Holler at you on Saturday,

3 ways The Reeder can help you win

  1. Sponsor The Reeder. Promote your business to my audience of 92,000+ (newsletter, LinkedIn podcast), have me speak at your event, or create branded content, let’s chat. Hit reply to talk details.

  2. Content That Converts Playbook: Start creating content that pierces through the noise, generates a massive following, and motivates prospects to buy from you right now.

  3. Content Strategy for LinkedIn: Quick video course that shows you how to build your personal brand, create highly engaging content, and accelerate your career.

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🛠️ Tools I use, love, and highly recommend

If you’re looking for ways to better manage and grow your business, here’s a look at my tech stack. (Note: these are affiliate links but I would recommend without the commission)

  1. Use ClickUp for your project management 
    I use ClickUp as my project management system to manage my entire business.

  2. Hit inbox zero consistently with SuperHuman
    I’ve been a customer for 2+ years and recommend it to everyone who’s looking to increase productivity and enjoy email again. Plus your first month is free.

  3. Build or level-up your website with Webflow
    I recently started using them for web hosting, and now I’m moving all WordPress sites here because I like the control and flexibility.