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  • Two formulas for writing irresistible titles that readers can’t help but click

Two formulas for writing irresistible titles that readers can’t help but click

Yo! Welcome to the next episode of The Content Strategy Reederwhere you’ll learn how to grow your career, company, and income using epic content in less than 5 minutes.

Before your main course is served…

If you like on-the-go, content marketing ear candy, check out my conversation with Anna on her pod, Modern Startup Marketing. I reveal my reasoning behind many decisions, like why I had a “zero product policy” during my first year in marketing, and how to balance creativity and results to drive real results. Grab your headphones and tap here.

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Your title is the most important string of words in your content.

Because when your audience is on the prowl for content worth their time, titles are one of the most influential factors they consider (second only to the author’s name).

That's why titles are KEY to standing out and grabbing attention.

No one woke up today and thought, damn there just isn’t enough content out here I really wish there was more!

In reality, the opposite is true. We struggle to sift through the noise and BS to find content we trust and that speaks to our specific interests and challenges. That’s why knowing how to write enticing titles is so important to your success. It separates the good creators from the highly successful ones, and it’s a secret weapon for growth.

But if your title fails to grab attention, then all your hard work will go unseen. No one will read your blog, watch your video, show up to your event, or listen to your podcast. Then disappointment and frustration are soon to follow.

Three big mistakes content creators make when writing titles:

  • They’re too vague.I don’t understand what this is about.

  • They lack clear outcomes.What am I going to get?

  • They lack emotion.Meh, I’ll keep looking for something better.

If your reader has any of the reactions italicized above, they’ll ignore you and go find something better (i.e., more compelling).

Our brains make the “is this interesting” decision instantly, and often subconsciously, and that leads us to click or ignore.

It’s your mission to stop your reader in their tracks (or really, their scroll) to convince them to invest more time with your content.

Let’s break down how to do it

People often think that descriptive titles are best. That’s partly true. The problem is they describe the wrong thing. The key is describing the value your audience will get from your content, not the content itself.

Subtle, but critical difference.

When writing titles, ask yourself, “What does my audience really want at the end of the day?”

This is necessary because it answers the question all readers have before clicking: What’s in it for me?

Deliver on that, and you’re golden.

The first goal of writing your title is to make the topic specific and immediately clear. The second goal is to provide the result the reader gets.

Here’s how I write titles that are clear, concise, and include a dash of emotion to drive action:

Notice that they’re similar. They both include the value the reader will get, and the topics are clear. I don’t leave room for the reader to wonder.  

Fun fact: That “How to write highly effective sales emails” title was used for a webinar at Gong in 2020 that broke records and motivated 3k people to register and 1k+ to attend.

That’s the power of a strong title.

These frameworks work for just about every content type: articles, events, podcasts, and videos.

Use these frameworks in your next piece of content, and you’ll see an immediate increase in your content engagement.

That’s what leads to a bigger audience.

Holler at you next Saturday,

Scale your content and business

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