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  • Introducing: 5 Sales Plays for Grabbing Attention

Introducing: 5 Sales Plays for Grabbing Attention


I’m breaking our Saturday-only protocol — but for good reason.

Today I launched my new (free) video course in partnership with Sell Better, 5 Sales Plays for Grabbing Attention.

Inside you’ll find five sales plays that will forever change how you sell.

Bold promise, I know. That’s because these are the specific principles, strategies, and tactics I used as a seller to win more deals, make more money, and have an almost unbelievable amount of success.

Now you can too.

Each play covers a NEW way to grab attention from busy buyers and motivate them to act now.

But you should only watch it if you want…

→ More positive replies from cold email
→ A proven tactic to avoid getting ghosted
→ A cold call opening line that actually works
→ Talk tracks for texting buyers (without pissing them off)
→ Email template that keeps busy execs engaged in your deals

I created this course because your success as a seller — whether you’re selling a service, software, an idea, yourself, or anything of value — depends on your ability to stand out and get your message HEARD.

Most struggle with this. They either rely on outdated tactics that no longer work (if they ever did) or spray ‘n pray hoping the volume approach will get enough hits to reach quota.

In fact, when researching for this project, I was shocked to learn that ZERO people I talked to have a go-to playbook for capturing attention.

That’s why I created this course. And because I’ve played and won in the attention economy, both in sales and marketing — and I want you to win too. 

Anyways, that’s pretty much it. You can access the course here for free.

Hope it’s cool I sent this to you on a Thursday. Felt weird ignoring my most engaged followers (you, my Reeders) until Saturday. Wanted to give you immediate access instead of relying on the almighty LinkedIn algo to show you my launch post.

Holler at you on Saturday (for real this time),

PS: And if you’re not interested in the course, but want to help me get the word out (very sweet of you to offer, by the way) you can engage with my LinkedIn post here.