How to Create a Memorable POV

Get a complete step-by-step guide plus 6 examples to inspire you

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In the last 30 days, I’ve gone from skeptic to eager student when it comes to using AI in my marketing. 

Because ignoring AI now is like underestimating the internet in the 2000s — and I refuse to get left behind.

So when I saw AI Marketing Alliance’s event, Departing from Hype: Understanding AI for Enterprise, I signed up immediately.


Tactical content and real insights (not AI buzz)
 Success stories on AI adoption and avoiding pitfalls
→ Advice from AI marketing expert, Kieran Flanagan (SVP, Hubspot)

I fully believe understanding of next-gen AI tools is THE way to improve your marketing productivity and pipeline.

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A memorable point of view (POV) is incredibly powerful. 

It’s so important that it’s one of the 10 key components when I design content strategies for my clients. 

It’s a true MUST-have.

Your POV is your unique perspective or stance that you consistently communicate and embody throughout your marketing strategy and content efforts. 

Shockingly, most B2B companies I talk to don’t have a POV. 

Or they do, but it’s generic, outdated, bland and over all very meh.

But in today’s market, a POV isn’t optional—it’s your lifeline

It’s impossible to build a brand or reputation if people don’t know what you stand for. Your risk:

  • Never getting noticed. And if you are, you’re quickly forgotten.

  • Never having an audience because no one relates to you or knows what you stand for (aka why they should follow you). 

  • Losing brand equity because your marketing is inconsistent and disjointed or as tasteless as a vanilla wafer.

Put simply, it’s impossible to have an elite marketing strategy or brand without a memorable POV.

Because it’s hard to identify with a brand that doesn’t have a, ya know, identity. 

Everything in marketing is easier with a clear POV

I’ve experienced this first handle multiple times. The benefits are undeniable. 

  1. It differentiates you from competitors so you stand out (almost effortlessly). A great POV makes you memorable in a sea of sameness. It sears a place in your market’s memory.

  2. You immediately resonate with the right people to build your audience. When done correctly your POV is a magnet for attracting the right people (read, buyers) towards you.

  3. Your brand is consistent and easily recognizable. Your decisions, from your tone to products you offer, are all aligned and you can operate faster

The best part is that your POV helps unlock a compounding effect that fuels growth across your business.

But most marketers get stuck on the how. 

So let’s fix that. 

Here are some examples to provide a foundation.

6 Solid Examples of POVs to Inspire You

B2B examples

  • Gong: Most leaders rely on their gut feelings, opinions, and “the loudest voice in the room” to make business decisions. But those are unreliable and lead to missed targets. You need to make decisions based on reality and data — and that information is hidden in your sales conversations.

    Old Way: opinions and gut feelings. New Way: reality and data.

  • Clari: Revenue is not a number at the end of the quarter, it’s the most important business process in your company. Companies rely on outdated tools like CRM, excel, and spreadsheets to run their business which leads to revenue leak – lost revenue due to breakdowns in your revenue process. Instead you need an end-to-end revenue platform. 

    Old Way: Revenue is an outcome. New Way: revenue is a process.

  • TestBox: Complex and underwhelming product demos are why your sales team is losing winnable deals. Most demo environments are unstable, outdated, and limited — so buyers are left more confused than persuaded. Instead of asking buyers to “imagine”, show them the full power of your product with a live and integrated version of your product.

    Old Way: Unreliable demo environments. New Way: Demos that convey your entire product story. 


  • DemandJen - Your sales team doesn’t need a motivational speaker at sales kick off because they don’t have a motivation problem — they have an execution problem. If you want to make them more productive, and they need to learn how to beat the status quo. 

  • Exitfive: There is so much noise about marketing and it’s hard to grow your career as a B2B marketer because nobody goes to school for B2B marketing. Instead of winging it or going at it alone, rely on digital content and a dedicated community exclusively focused on B2B marketers.

  • BeaconGTM - If you don’t set up your GTM foundation early on, you’ll always be playing catch up. Disciplined, consistent operating rhythms are the difference between siloed, erratic organizations and well-oiled revenue machines. If you want a high-performing go-to-market team, you need strong foundations. 

How to Create Your Memorable POV

POVs are not taglines. 

They are not best served clever with a side of jargon. 

Your goal is to resonate and be memorable. 

Here’s a step-by-step process to surface your beliefs and clearly articulate your Why.

1) Identify your audience’s pain

  1. What goal is your audience trying to achieve? (as it relates to your offering)

  2. What’s outdated or wrong is HOW they’re trying to achieve it?

  3. What’s a new or different way that you help them achieve it?

2) Reflect on your beliefs and unique insights 

  1. How have you experienced your audience’s challenges? (get specific!)

  2. How have you solved this challenge?

  3. What common way of operating (ie, solutions) are commonly accepted but you disagree with?

  4. What experience do you have that conflicts with common consensus of how “things should be done”?

  5. What beliefs do you have based on your experiences? (it’s ok to have multiple!)

3) See what are your competitors saying/doing

  1. What messaging are your top 3 competitors using? You want to be different.

  2. What do you like/not like about their POV? Don’t copy. Instead use it to inform your own.

  3. What message is missing from the market? That could be your differentiator. 

4) Develop your POV Statement

This is the tough but fun part. 

Fun because it’s a great creative exercise. 

Tough because it’s easy to over think and over complicate. 

Your POV should be:

  • Bold and take a stance

  • As clear and succinct as possible

  • Clearly articulate the old / new way

  • Roughly 3-5 sentences (you can refine later) 

If helpful, use the examples above. 

You can also talk to happy clients and ask them what they think your POV is, or to workshop what you come up with after today’s exercise. 

Let’s Wrap

You can see from the examples above that there’s not a singular “right” style to POVs. That’s one reason I decided to provide a handful. 

I want you to see there’s multiple flavors. You are welcome to mirror or create your own flavor. 

Here’s my promise:

If you follow today’s advice and create a memorable POV, you will stand out, grow faster, and have more fun doing it.

That’s what marketing is all about, innit? 

Holler at you next Saturday,

PS: Today’s post took me over 4 hours to write and edit. You can help me grow it in 12 seconds by forwarding it to one person with a quick “You’ll love this newsletter. It’s worth subscribing.”

More ways to grow your content

  1. Partner with The Reeder. Promote your business to my audience of 99,000+ (newsletter, LinkedIn, podcast), have me speak at your event, or create branded content, let’s chat. Hit reply to talk details.

  2. Content That Converts Ebook: Start creating content that pierces through the noise, generates a massive following, and motivates prospects to buy from you right now.

  3. Content Strategy for LinkedIn: This ~1 hour video course shows you how to build your personal brand, create highly engaging content, and accelerate your career.

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