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  • The most popular email template I’ve ever written

The most popular email template I’ve ever written

Yo! Welcome to the next episode of The Content Strategy Reederwhere you’ll learn how to grow your company and career using legendary content strategy in less than 5 minutes.

An offer before the main event:

This Wednesday I’m running a live session with Kyle Coleman and Morgan J Ingram on Co-prospecting — a pipeline generation strategy Kyle’s used to double his booked meetings. If you want to hear how, so you can create qualified Q4 pipeline, you can register here. Hope to see you there 🤙🏻

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A couple months ago I published my second video course with Sell Better titled, 5 Sales Plays for Grabbing Attention.

Inside I reveal five uncommon sales plays that I designed and used multiple times to create new opportunities, move buyers forward, and close more deals. It’s all about converting attention into action. They’re the classic “wish I knew this years ago” type of tools I learned over time from my days as a top-performing sales rep. I undoubtedly owe a few commission checks to them if I’m being completely honest.


The video course has now been downloaded 1,771 times to date (!) and recently picked up an unexpected surge. We haven’t been promoting it more than usual or anything. I think the idea might be “tipping” as word of mouth picks up.

But I only noticed because of the influx of DMs and emails I’ve gotten recently from folks thanking me because they used one specific play and immediately got replies from prospects who ghosted them weeks — and sometimes, months — ago.

It’s clearly become the most popular email template I’ve ever written.

So I decided to share it again with you here, in case you missed it the first time I shared it, forgot about it, or simply want to add the “ghost buster” email to your goodie bag on Halloween weekend.

(PS: If you want to stand out and sell more, the entire video course is 18 minutes and 100% free. Here’s the link. )

Here’s why it works

Humans have a natural need to correct each other. We crave “fixing” information because it makes us feel helpful and important.

This is especially true on the internet.

It’s actually a known thing. It’s called Cunningham’s Law which states that the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question, but to post the wrong answer.

Questions get crickets. Wrong answers get replies.

Interesting, right?

Anyways, I took this idea and applied it to my sales emails.

And it works beautifully.

Whenever a buyer goes dark, I use my “wrong answer” template so they feel compelled to reply and correct me (which they always do).

Add this template to your toolkit

You can copy mine word for word, or create your own using this formula:

  1. Ask a direct question regarding current status

  2. Acknowledge the situation (without guilting them)

  3. Offer three viable reasons for not hearing back

  4. Include a soft CTA with an out of “something else…”

Give it a shot, it’s scary effective (great for you, scary for your competition).

Holler at you next Saturday,

3 ways to The Reeder can help you grow

  1. Content That Converts: This expansive 154-page digital playbook — packed with tips, techniques, and examples — reveals the exact strategies and step-by-step processes for converting attention into audience growth and sales.

  2. Sponsor this newsletter. Promote your business to ~10,000 highly engaged sales and marketing pros. Hit reply for rates.

  3. Sponsored LinkedIn post. Tap into my audience of 76,000+ LinkedIn followers and grow your awareness and pipeline. There’s one last slot available for December. Hit reply for rates.

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