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  • The “secret” technique for getting an unreal amount of legit, though slightly controversial, engagement

The “secret” technique for getting an unreal amount of legit, though slightly controversial, engagement

Yo! Welcome to the next episode of The Content Strategy Reeder where you’ll learn how to grow your company and career using legendary content — in less than 5 minutes.

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Four years ago when starting my B2B marketing career, I had one goal:

Build the most engaged audience on the f—ing planet.

(Really it was the most engaged audience in B2B. But the version above was more aspirational, and therefore, motivational.)

And I still follow that belief. There’s nothing in marketing, or really any go-to-market strategy in my opinion, that’s more valuable than an audience.

Give me a rabid, committed, niche, eager-to-consume-my-content audience over the best product any day of the week.

But I digress.

Today is about HOW I built that audience.

Specifically, the technique that’s arguably the most effective and definitely the most controversial in the ol’ D Reed toolbelt.

It’s how I’ve consistently created a swarm of engagement on my content — without ever using clickbait, trolling, or any other internet gimmick.

And here’s the thing: I’ve never shared this technique publicly anywhere, ever.

Not in any of the dozens of events, podcasts, guides, social posts, or newsletters I’ve published. Not even in my new playbook.

But with the content game heating up, algorithms going haywire, and rising competition on your favorite social media platforms, it felt like time.

So here we are.

Let’s ride.

This near-magic technique is called a fire starter.

Fire starters intentionally force a “divide” and spark a conversation.

The goal is to share your opinion in a way that makes people either agree or disagree – with little room in between.

Read that again. It’s incredibly important.

They are more than the lukewarm “hot takes” you see all the time. Fire starters motivate your reader to punch the Like button then sprint to type their comment.

Here’s how they work:

  1. Stop the scroll with a short, punchy hook.

  2. Spur emotion to make your reader FEEL something

  3. Force a decision: agree or disagree

I first designed this on LinkedIn, but the truth is, it works anywhere. I call them fire starters because when done right, the comment section goes ablaze with people commenting like crazy (and sometimes arguing debating with each other).

Let’s see some examples across the heat scale.

Here’s an example I posted this week comin’ in at 🌶️🌶️🌶️/5:

This topic isn’t particularly sharp. But my opinion (or point of view) is.

But take a look into the comment sections and you’ll see real passion and quite personal responses.

Because I’m also saying:

  • If you only create leads as a marketer, you’re average

  • If you only build pipeline, that’s not enough

  • You’re not a great marketer unless you do this one thing (which I fully expect people to disagree with).

Next, up a 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️/5.

This is one of those “popped into my head” realizations that came after a week of intense interviewing:

There were definitely some expensive degrees in the comments that vastly disagreed. But that’s OK.

This is MY point of view shaped by the fact that I went to junior college and graduated from a no-frills state school.

Still made a great career. So I hire accordingly.

OK. Finally, if you really want to rock boat with 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️/5 — send this subject line to your company’s entire list:

No f—ing way! 🤬How cursing impacts sales.

With a data-driven article inside titled: The startling truth: How Cursing Impacts Sales.

Yea… Let’s just say not everyone loved that I used data to prove swearing in sales calls might actually help you close deals.

Some of those replies live rent free in my head to this day. Many applauded me, but a small group called me a variety of colorful names.

Which brings us to a VERY important thing to keep in mind:

This approach naturally invites nay-sayers, phony “experts”, and sometimes trolls into your sphere.

Using this technique is not for the faint of heart. Inviting, handling, and in my case enjoying disagreement isn’t easy. It’s an acquired taste (and skill).

But you don’t have to go full ghost chili pepper every time, or ever. You can start with tabasco and work your way up to explosive heat (should you choose).

Another consideration: you have to be OK turning off 10% of readers — trusting the other 90% will like or - dare I say - even love you.

You go from followers to fans when others believe what you believe, identify with your personality, and enjoy consuming your thoughts.

That requires being different and standing out. Fire starters do both.

That said, you also need to know your audience's appetite for controversy and bold opinions. I write to entrepreneurs, sellers, and marketing pros who are more open to this approach compared to CIOs or security folks.

It’s up to you how polarizing your topics and opinions are.

Personally I mostly avoid trigger-warning topics like politics and the like because I really don’t want to offend anyone. Not to mention I have no business commenting on most of those kinds of issues.

And of course, if this entire concept feels “icky” or off brand for you — do not do it.

But even if you’re reading this thinking no thank you Devin catch you next week for a safer tip! — at least now you’ll be able to spot it in the wild, be aware you’re being triggered intentionally, and control your response.

Phew! Almost as many disclaimers as they rattle off during the end of prescription medicine commercials.

But I keeps it real with you. This is an insanely powerful technique, but it comes with a fair amount of nuance too.

And I want you to be successful and understand why these types of things work so you can use them intentionally and responsibly.

Holler at you next Saturday,

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