How to avoid getting ghosted

Plus an oddly effective email template

Yo! Maybe I’m still running on the high of Father’s Day — hard to beat when wifey buys the whole fam matching Jordans (see below) — but it felt good getting two new projects live.

First, I launched a new video course titled, 5 Sales Plays for Grabbing Attention with the homies at Sell Better. Hundreds of downloads in 48 hours. Love to see it helping so many people already.

Second, that pod with DG went live. My phone blew up Wednesday morning from folks saying it landed, specifically how I scaled Gong, my take on gating content, and the deep Lil Wayne reference. Available everywhere, including Spotify and Apple.

And here are those kicks. Damn they’re pretty:

The Reeder is sponsored by Share Your Genius.

I’ve launched a podcast at each of my marketing gigs, producing more than 150 episodes total and getting 250k+ streams. I love them because they fuel entire content engines from thought leadership, to pipeline gen, and content repurposing that grows other channels. But I never produce a show on my own.

For both pods, Gong, Clari, and any future podcast that I launch in my career for that matter — I got help from Share Your Genius. They know what drives real engagement and impact, plus they execute at the highest level.

If you want to launch and grow your podcast, talk to Rachel at Share Your Genius.

Let me tell you about a weird phenomenon that I use to increase reply rates.

First, a bit of context:

Humans have a natural need to correct each other. We crave “fixing” information because it makes us feel helpful and important.

This is especially true on the internet.

It’s actually a known thing. It’s called Cunningham’s Law which states that the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question, but to post the wrong answer.

Questions get crickets. Wrong answers get replies.

Interesting, right?

Anyways, I took this idea and applied it to my sales emails.

And it works beautifully. 

Whenever a buyer goes dark, I use my “wrong answer” template so they feel compelled to reply and correct me (which they always do).

Now I want to share it with you so you can avoid getting ghosted and keep deals on track. Here’s how…

Add this template to your toolkit

You can copy mine word for word, or create your own using this formula:

  1. Ask a direct question regarding current status

  2. Acknowledge the situation (without guilting them)

  3. Offer three viable reasons for not hearing back

  4. Include a soft CTA with an out of “something else…”

Give it a shot, it’s scary effective (great for you, scary for your competition).

If you want more uncommon tactics…

This template is just one of the plays from my new video course, 5 Sales Plays for Grabbing Attention.

Inside you’ll get proven tactics you can immediately use to pierce through the noise, build a big fat pipeline, and close more deals.

You can access the entire course now, for free, here.

Instead of chasing prospects, you’ll learn how to make them come to you.

Holler at you next week,

PS: If you learned something in today’s post, you can help me by sharing this link with one person.

Three ways I can help you scale your content and business

  1. Newsletter sponsorship. Promote your business to 8,000 highly engaged sales and marketing pros. Next opening is in July. Hit reply for rates.

  2. Sponsored LinkedIn post. Tap into my audience of 75,000+ LinkedIn followers and grow your awareness and pipeline. Next opening is in August. Hit reply for rates.

  3. Content Strategy for LinkedIn: This ~1 hour video course shows you how to build a personal brand, create highly engaging content, and accelerate your career. Use code “CSR” at check out for the biggest discount available.